Coven Albion's Spirit Strength Through Unity - Coven Albion's Spirit Strength Through Unity - Coven Albion's Spirit Strength Through Unity

If it harms no one, do what you will

About Coven Albion's Spirit

Albion’s Spirit is a Gardnerian coven in North Florida that functions as a family made up of diverse individuals. We meet and worship together in a Traditional Manner to ritual and hold observances on the Sabbats and Esbats. We honor the Goddess and God and celebrate our lives. We hold ongoing traditional Wiccan education classes and support the overall Pagan Community. We practice a nature based fertility religion that believes in a female and male aspect of divinity, reincarnation, affecting change through concentration of will and personal responsibility for one's actions.

"I am she who ere the earth was formed Was Ea, Binah, Ge I am that soundless, boundless, bitter sea, Out of whose deeps life wells eternally. "Astarte, Aphrodite, Ashtorcth-- Giver of life and bringer-in of death; Hera in Heaven, on earth, Persephone; Levanah of the tides and Hecate-- All these am I, and they are seen in me. "The hour of the high full moon draws near; I hear the invoking words, hear and appear-- Isis Unveiled and Ea, Binah, Ge, I come unto the priest that calleth me."

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Coven Albion's Spirit
Email the Highpriestess or the Highpriest