Coven Albion's Spirit Strength Through Unity - Coven Albion's Spirit Strength Through Unity - Coven Albion's Spirit Strength Through Unity

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"I am she who ere the earth was formed Was Ea, Binah, Ge I am that soundless, boundless, bitter sea, Out of whose deeps life wells eternally. "Astarte, Aphrodite, Ashtorcth-- Giver of life and bringer-in of death; Hera in Heaven, on earth, Persephone; Levanah of the tides and Hecate-- All these am I, and they are seen in me. "The hour of the high full moon draws near; I hear the invoking words, hear and appear-- Isis Unveiled and Ea, Binah, Ge, I come unto the priest that calleth me."

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